Saturday, December 17, 2011

Phyllobates terribilis

Phyllobates terribilis, the Golden Poison Frog or the Golden Dart Frog, is a poison dart frog endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia. The optimal habitat of P. terribilis is the rainforest with high rain rates (5 m or more), altitude between 100–200 m, temperature of at least 26 °C, and relative humidity of 80–90%. In the wild, P. terribilis is a social animal, living in groups of up to six individuals; however, captive terribilis can live in much larger groups than that. Terribilis are often considered innocuous due to their small size and bright colours; however wild specimens are lethally toxic. This poison dart frog is confirmed to have killed humans who touched the wild frog directly. The main natural sources of food of P terribilis are the ants in the genera Brachymyrmex and Paratrechina, but many kinds of insects and other small invertebrates can be devoured, specifically termites and beetles, which can easily be found on the rainforest floor. This frog is considered the most voracious of the dendrobatids Phyllobates terribilis is considered to be one of the most intelligent anurans. Like all poison dart frogs, captive terribilis can recognize human caregivers after exposure of a few weeks. Terribilis are also extremely successful tongue hunters, using their long, adhesive tongues to catch food, and almost never miss a strike.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The dart-poison frog, poison arrow frog, or just dart frog is the most common name given to a group of frogs belonging to the family Dendrobatidae. Only this type of frog is found in two geographical regions: Central and South America.

The dart frogs are a small group of amphibians, often brightly colored. It is the most dangerous animal due to the neurotoxins that secrete by its skin. Each of these animals produce enough toxin to kill ten humans.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Black Mamba

I considered that The Black Mamba is the most dangerous animal, it is a species of snake, is the most venomous snake in Africa. With an average length of 2.5 m, can reach 4.5 m. It is called so for the color black in his mouth. It one of the world's fastest snakes, capable of moving 16 to 20 km / h.

The Black Mamba is a snake territory. Therefore, it can be highly aggressive if threatened, especially if the threat is between the serpent and his lair. When it becomes aggressive, raise your head as high as possible, sometimes even being able to look directly into the eyes of a human being depending on the size of the snake arches its back and moves quickly while balancing on the back of body, open its jaws, revealing the black inside the mouth, while aggressively whistles. Its bite injects about 100 mg of venom dendrotoxina, being fatal to an adult male between 10 and 15 mg. Death occurs by suffocation as a result of paralysis of respiratory muscles. Although their venom is not the most toxic, due to its aggressive nature and the large amount of venom injected, as its speed, is considered the world's most dangerous snake.


The JellyFish comes to take the first place

 Box JellyFish
it's cute right?
The most dangerous animal in my opinion is the Box Jellyfish, since 1954 it has kill at least 5000 people. But a part of the statistics why is the Box Jellyfish so dangerous? Well, it can kill a man in one minute or less, his venom is so deathly that attacks the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. Furthermore, its toxin is so painful that the human victims go in shock, drown or die, and if you make to survive its poison, the survivors experience pain for weeks after the contact with the Box Jellyfish.

The Box Jellyfish comes to take the big price, and don’t want to give a chance to any of your animals guys, my extremely deathly and poison animal comes swimming  from the north of Australia really fast to scare you all. Good luck to the rest, you’ll need it ;)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Most dangerous animal contest!

What's the most dangerous animal among these?
The contest everybody was waiting for!!! Nominate your animal, describe its dangerous qualities and let the worst win!
Read through the posts and vote for the nightmare animal.

Prize: two options: a) A candy or b) An opportunity to have the creature at home for a day!